Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"There He is Again"

At 2:27 AM, Seth woke up screaming. Earlier the day before, we discovered he had a double ear infection. The little guy was in pain. Kimberly checked on him the first time and I did as any Dad who has half a brain learns to do...act like you are still asleep so mom can get him...hey...don't judge me! :-) Anyway, it did not work. Kimberly came back in our room and said "He's calling for you" (touche`, Kimberly, touche`...:-)

So, I drug myself out of bed and went to his room. It quickly became obvious that his discomfort made him want my presence. First I tried holding him and then putting him back in bed, but that just upset him all the more. Then I tried him in our bed, but he was too curious in this new setting to sleep. Finally, I took him downstairs to our recliner...the kind that is big enough for even a guy my size to sleep in. We laid back and, it was like, when Seth realized that I was in it for the long haul and that where he slept I would sleep, he allowed himself to relax and drift back to sleep...and as he slept so did I.

Your Father in heaven is in it for the long haul. He is not rocking you just so he can leave you and get back to his own bed. I may do that, but he is not like we earthly Father's. No, he says "I will never leave you or abandon you." Let that truth sink in...let that truth become a part of you. When that truth moves from factual knowledge to experiential reality, then you too will be able to allow yourself to lay back, relax and fall asleep in the arms of the One who keeps the whole world spinning so you can rest.

Thanks, Seth, for waking Daddy up the other night. I needed to see God in that way.

How about you? Where have you seen God this week? Send me an email and let me know.

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