Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Everything I touch I mess up"

It seems that everything I do this week, I mess up. I have sent people the wrong letters. I confused a meeting with the wrong date. I thought I was helping a situation and found out I was just messing things up. Everything I touch I seem to mess up this week. I am not looking for pity. I can wallow it that all by myself. This week in a very real way, I have been reminded of how weak I am. This week, in a fresh and real way I have been reminded of how prone I am to error.

So, what shall be my response? In days past I would relentlessly beat myself up. In some sick way, I really believed that if I punished myself long enough, then some how that would make up for my mistakes. But that is the old and Jesus has and is continually making me new "by the renewing of my mind." Even today he has reminded me that "in my weakness, his power is made perfect." Even now he reminds me that, "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Even now I am reminded that "apart from Christ I can do nothing" but "I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength." Jesus even looks me in the eye through his Word and says, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

The old Chad would have wallowed in pity and then beaten himself up for days, making me of no use to God or anyone, but I just want to give credit to Jesus' healing truth. I stand on who Christ is and what he has done and not on who I am or what I can do. Hallelujah!

Thank you for listening and if you are struggling today, I pray that even now you will be lifted up!


Bonnie G said...

Thanks Chad for being so transparent. I know it isn't always easy. Jesus made a believer out of Thomas when he showed him His wounds. I think our willingness to open up and be "real" with our failings and challenges allows others to really see the power of Christ in our lives and believe. I think we can all relate to your struggles. By sharing your experiences with Jesus through you struggles it gives us the strength and courage to call out His name.

Chad said...

Thank you for writing and always encouraging me in this way!

Anonymous said...

I too still suffer from the Mistakes/Failures/Disappointments baggage... when I focus on me, rather than Him. I love how He then gives me His truth...His Spirit echoing His word which lifts me up, to try again...this time in Him. I love my part in this wonderful new relationship.... seeking to know Him and His word and renewing my mind through learning to listen for His gentle voice.. in others like you Chad... and then the best part.... living free with His truth. Wow what a joy to see all my stuff turned into His glory. E