Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"To Be or Not to Be?"

We live in an amazing time of of technology!

Technology allows us to be with one another without needing to be near one another. There is great advantage in this. For instance, our children are able to "Skype" with their grandparents who live 3 1/2 hours away. I have friends, who are missionaries, who are able to easily stay in touch with family and friends through email. I pray with a soldier in Afghanistan through Face book. We live in amazing day of technology that allows us to be with one another without being near one another.

However (You could tell a "however" was coming, couldn't you?)...However, while this technology enables us to be with folks we cannot be physically near, our technology can also become a tool of enabling that excuses absence of physical presence from those with whom we are geographically near enough to be present.

It is possible to use technology as an excuse to not be physically present. For example, when I was growing up, my dad's job had him travel a lot. However, he paid close attention to my and my brother's schedule. I never remember him not being physically present at those games and events that meant the world to us. Today, we have the technology to excuse our physical presence even if we could physically be there. Rather than paying attention to the important events of one another's lives, we can simply have someone give us a live video feed from their phone and we can watch the little league game or the kids choir concert from our desk while we work. Rather than visit a friend who is struggling, technology can give us an excuse to send a quick email. Rather than listen to the joy in the voice of a loved one celebrating, we can click a "like" button on Face book and quickly be on with our day.

Don't miss hear me..I am not saying to not use technology...I am using it right now...what I am saying is, like anything else technology can enable us to connect or it can enable us to excuse ourselves from taking the time to truly BE with others. Yes, "to be or not be?" That is the question in this day of technology.

Will I BE at my child's game or will I watch it on-line later? Will I talk to my spouse or shoot off an email? Will I pick up the phone and ask a hurting friend how she is doing or tag her in FB about Farmville? Will I enter into being real, transformed, connected and poured out in a community of faith or watch TBN on TV or Living Hope sermons on-line? Will I take my eyes off the screens of technology and look in the eyes of another to see the image of God in the "least of these"?

You know, that is why we make such a big deal about this Sunday. Because we cannot find a substitute or make up for not BEING here to celebrate the crucial spiritual steps that are taken in baptism and child dedication. We are not just a church service on Sunday, we are the Body of Christ. I know some come here each week simply to warm a seat, sing a song and hear a sermon, but I also know that the many more of you are here because you truly are participating in helping us BE a church that is real, transformed, connected and poured out! I want to thank you! I also want to encourage you. You may not feel like you are doing much watching people being baptized, but Romans 12 says this is what the Body is about, "Rejoicing with one another when one rejoices!" This Sunday, you re going to be doing that. Please pray for those being baptized...Satan tends to really attack people before they take this step. Please cheer...if thousands can cheer over an over-paid jock scoring a touch down, how much more should the people of God rejoice over God's saving grace?! Don't hold back! Be obnoxious in your praise! It is going to be a great day! What God will do in you and through you this Sunday is nothing that can be captured with even the best of our technology.

BE present with God and others, because one day we will happily or despairingly realize that all that really mattered in this life is all that will matter in eternal life and that is BEING with God and Being with others. Isn't that what Jesus said the greatest commandment was, "Love God and love others"? And how can we love without Being with God and with others. "To be or not to be?" Don't make it a question....just BE...Be the Church...Be a friend...Be a parent...Be husband/wife...Be with...Be for...Be in...Be at...BE!

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