Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"The Waves"

When we were on vacation we spent some time at my cousins home. They live about 15 minutes from the beach. One day we all packed up and spent half a day playing in the sand and splashing in the sea.

It was interesting that both Anna and Seth specifically and separately asked me this question, "Daddy, you won't let the waves knock me over will you?" They both wanted to enjoy playing in the ocean, but they wanted to be certain that they would not be knocked down and drug under the water by a wave. As a father who is well aware of his weaknesses, I was quick to give a very honest reply, "Anna," I said, "Seth, " I said, "I will do my best to keep us from being knocked down by the waves, but I can't promise we will not fall. But if waves do knock us down, I will make sure we both get back up." They both seemed OK with that answer and so in the water we went.

As I was thinking about this, my first thought was to write, "You know, as an earthly Father I cannot promise the waves of life won't knock us down, but our heavenly Father can make that promise." Now, that sounds very nice and I very much appreciate such assuring words. It is comforting to think that God will always keep me safe.

However, God does not make us that promise. When we ask, "Father, you won't let the waves knock me down will you?" We want him to say, "Of course not, my child. I will keep you safe." But he does not make that promise. He says the rain falls on the just and the unjust and yet that does not at all diminish his love for his children ( my paraphrase of Matthew 6:45). Faith is not knowing that God will not let the waves of life knock us down. Faith is knowing that even if the waves knock me down, God will get me back up.

I wonder how many Christ Followers play it too safe? You are waiting for clear skies and calm seas before you set sail in trusting God in anything. You might as well leave the marina, because God does not promise you or me smooth sailing. In fact, there are many more biblical references that warn you of wild waves than tranquil seas. Noah went on a 40 day nightmare of a cruise, Jonah saw the inside of a fish, Daniel slept with lions, 3 faithful Hebrew friends faced the furnace, Moses wandered the dessert with complaining people for 40 years, Paul was stoned, imprisoned, beaten, shipwrecked and bit by a snake...o, and, well, Jesus was hung on a cross. Does God promise you not to be knocked down by waves, let me put it as gently as I know how, "NO!"

And yet, he asks you to walk out into the ocean any way. Without apology, he asks you to risk everything not knowing what the outcome will be...will you be found standing? Or will you be swept away by the rip tide? Faith is moving forward before you know the answer.

But one thing you can know is that whether you stand in the waves or they knock you down, your Father will be there to pick you back up. Water may fill your mouth, the salt may sting your eyes, you may feel like you are going to may even die...but one way or the other, if your are his, then he will pick you up.

Normally, it is at this point that I find a nice Scripture to sum it all up. The truth is the Bible is full of stories and verses that say what I have just shared. You don't need me to find one for you. You need to find your own. Find your own promise of God's to stand on because one thing is for sure: If you re going to follow Jesus, he is going to call you out into the deep and where he calls you there will be waves and where there are waves you may get knocked down.

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