Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"The Cherry in Pepto-Bismol"

I just want to publicly thank the folks that came up with the idea of flavoring Pepto-Bismol with cherry. For years I have turned to Pepto-Bismol for digestive aid (hope that's not TMI). All those years, the original taste about made me gag. However, the cherry flavoring has completely changed the experience. I actually enjoy taking two tablespoons of the pink product. So, thank you for using modern technology to not only aid my digestive tract but comfort my taste buds. I am a grateful customer.

I think we could all learn something from Pepto-Bismol. Its manufacturer figured out that if you can make it taste better, people are more likely to swallow it. I wonder how beneficial learning this lesson could be for our relationships with others? Most of us, even the least confrontational of us, when we are pushed far enough manage to blurt out words of truth, that may be truth, but because they lack flavoring, the one who needs to hear it the most won't ever swallow it.

Proverbs 15:1, puts it like this, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Now, there is truth to live by! What kind of impact could this make on our marriages, our conversations with our children, our interactions with our co-workers, our dealings with customer service, etc? Proverbs 15:1 tells us what would happen. Truth in our relationships is just like Pepto-Bismol...its a whole lot easier to swallow when flavored with the cherry called gentleness.

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