Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"How Secure is Your Freedom?"

I hope you have a very happy Independence Day! I also hope you will consider this question as you celebrate: What if my freedom is only as secure as the freedom of others? Think about that...your freedom is only as secure as the freedom of others.

On Friday night I went to the WPAF Tattoo at which one of our Brother's in Christ, Bernie Delong, was honored for his service during the Korean War. On Sunday, Karen Alexander, gave me the Afghanistan address for her son, Jake, who is now serving his country in combat. I am quite sure these two men understand the implications of this question: What if my freedom is only as secure as the freedom of others?

You see, it is easy in the Land of the Free to not give much thought to all the other lands that make up this world that are not free and to think, "Well, that is too bad, but thank God for our freedom." However, every soldier on the front lines today understands in a very real way that the lack of freedom of others puts our freedom and their lives at stake every day.

Do you see what I mean? Your freedom is only as secure as the freedom of others. For instance, the human trafficking market is bringing in around 34 billion dollars a year. For years, people have been sold as sex and labor slaves around the world and yet little noise was made about it here in our country. And while our heads were turned to this sin, it moved into our homeland. People are now trafficked through the US into slavery. When we turn our heads to the bondage of others, Hell starts building a prison camp in our own backyards.

Furthermore, as Followers of Christ we have been given a freedom that is greater than any country, including our own, will ever know. However, our freedom in Christ (and our freedom as a nation for that matter) does not give us permission to be apathetic toward the lack of freedom toward others. I am so thankful to be a part of a church family that not only believes that but dares to live that! Thank you! Praise God for you!

That is the point of this Sunday's Pancake Breakfast! It is a reminder to us as Living Hope Church that in Christ we are never given permission for any reason to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others whether they be next door or a continent away. Sunday is a tangible way for all who participate to step down from the sidelines and get involved in doing something for 30,000 children who die every day in a world that throws 30% of its food away. Sunday is also about witness. It is a chance for us to say, "We did not cancel worship services for a Pancake Breakfast. No, this pancake breakfast is a worship service!"

If you missed the video on Sunday or want to see what we did not have time to show, go to and click on videos. It is the "Sam and Esther" story.

See you Sunday any time between 8-10 AM. Invite lots of friends and family and let's BE the CHURCH!

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