Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"A New Thing"

When this time of year rolls around, I think of Isaiah 42:9, in which God says, "See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."

The first part of that verse speaks volumes: "See, the former things have taken place." God is asking us to "see", to recognize, to take note of what has taken place. Sometimes we run so fast through life that we do not pause to look back and see what has transpired in a day or a year. What do you look back and see in 2009?

"The former things have taken place." All those things you can see when you look back have taken place. It is what it is. Look back to see them, but don't look back to try dwell on them. I don't know about you, but sometimes I hold onto what was as though it still is. Acceptance is the healthy way of handling the past. Acceptance sees the pleasant moments of the past, smiles and says, "Those were good days. Thank you, God, for being with me in them!" Acceptance sees the unpleasant moments of the past, cries and says, "Those were difficult days. Thank you, God, for being with me through it." Acceptance allows life to be what it is, sometimes wonderful and sometimes horrible, but it refuses to hang on to either one as though it will always simply acccepts what was as it was.

Then, acceptance opens the door to embrace a new thing. It is hard to receive something new from God when I insist on holding on to something old. OUr God is a God of the new! New beginnings, fresh starts and clean slates are his expertise. Let him speak to you through these words, "and new things I declare." He wanst to declare a new thing for you! Will you let him? Will you give yoruslef permission to anticpate what new thing God has for you this New Year?

"Before they spring into being I announce them to you." God has already set them in motion...they are coming...he is telling you so your heart and mind and hands can be wide open to receive them. Expect..Hope...Pray...Seek...and then watch God do what he does best...He brings about the new! Happy New Year!

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