Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Last Wednesday, I was talking with someone and reminded of one the truths from the Bible that has been an on going point of reference. Galatians 1:10 says, "Am I now trying to win the approval of people or of God? Or am I still trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."

I don't know about you but regularly I must determine the who? Who am I going to try to please?

I believe that a large majority in our culture would answer, "You can't please everybody so you might as well please yourself." Our culture has managed to make selfishness sound positive as it encourages us to go after our heart, which is largely just an excuse for self-indulgence, but putting it in terms of "heart" makes it sound so much more pure.

Of course, for others the who question is not at all self-liberating. Some of us are so ridden with the need to win the approval of others that we have long since lost sight of what is our responsibility and what is that of others. So, we spend our lives still trying to keep everybody happy as if we will one day have the title of the first person who managed to do this impossible task. Think about it...even Jesus couldn't make everyone happy...of course, then again, Jesus was never interested in making people happy.

So, who will it be for you and me? Will we chase after the cultural deception of making ourselves the who we are to please or will we fall into the trap of making the who other people that we try to please in order to try to have some empty spot in ourselves fulfilled?

Galatians 1:10 presents another option. Actually, it seems that the truth God is giving us here is not an option but an ultimatum. Please God or please people...who is it going to be? Do I have to please myself even if what I want is contrary to what God wants? Then I am not serving God no matter what I do on Sunday. Do I have to please others, then I am not a servant of God? Its not a condemnation...its a freedom... make God who I please and I find out what I really want and I am free to live for what is best irregardless of who else approves. Who is it going to be for you?

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