Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Right = Right...Right?

More than once I have heard honest people, who are truly seeking to know and follow Christ, ask a question like this:  "It seems like the more I try to live my life according to Jesus teaching to love God with everything and to love my neighbor as myself, the more it seems I face obstacles, set backs, challenges and even ridicule and rejection.  Why is that?"

Behind this question I hear the assumption that right = right...right? 

So, here are three questions for you to ponder or, even better, respond to one or all:

1) Do you relate to that statement and question?
2) If that happens, why?
3) What do you do when that happens?

These are the questions we will wrestle with on Sunday.   Do you know someone who wrestles with questions like these?  Invite them to come with you to worship this week.  See you Sunday!

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