Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Harder Before it is Easier"

There is a principle of life that we learn early on, but as adults we seem hard pressed to remember. That principle is this: It is harder before it gets easier. As young children we may not be able to say this, but we certainly accept it. None of us would have learned to walk, talk, feed ourselves or to use the potty had we not accepted that it is harder before it gets easier. However, when we become adults it is as though we forget or refuse to accept the reality of this principle. For instance, if you choose to join me in these days of Lent leading up to Easter in taking off the blindfold and seeing what you do not want to see about yourself, your life or your world, you will fully experience this principle at work: Its harder before its easier.

Giving God permission to help us see what we have been trying to avoid and then actually being obedient to what he says to do about it is never easy. In fact, the first step or two you take in that direction will mostly likely be incredibly difficult. You will probably even stir up pain and discomfort that you did not even realize was there and be tempted to put back on the blind fold. But remember, had you done that as a baby you wouldn't be able to walk or urinate by yourself today. Just because it is harder before it gets easier does not mean it won't eventually get easier. It will get easier...change is possible...freedom can be your wins...truth does set us free, but the difference between those who see it happen and those who don't is the difference between those who accept that it is harder before it gets easier and press on until they see pain give way to healing.

I have heard from some of you this week. You have shared a blindfold you have removed. You have described some initial steps you are taking to see what you have tried to ignore. Now, I encourage you: Don't give up at the first sign of resistance. Resistance always precedes a breakthrough. You had the courage to let God take off the blindfold, so don't settle for less than the truth and freedom God promises you will find at the cross.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" James 1:2-4.

God does not want you to lack anything! Keep the blindfold off and press on no matter how much harder it is before it gets easier!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Chad. I've had to accept the sins that are part of my contempt and distrust and efforts to control my unhealthy marriage. It's very hard, but with "Love Dare" as my guide and trusting in God's love to help me address the hurts, in committed to surrender control to Him. Eric

Chad said...


Thank you. Thank you for your openness and honesty.

Chad said...


Thank you. Thank you for your openness and honesty.

Chad said...


Thank you. Thank you for your openness and honesty.

Chad said...


Thank you. Thank you for your openness and honesty.