Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Did You Notice that It Snowed?"

I don't know if you noticed or not, but we have a pretty good snow covering. Have you noticed the snow?

"What kind of question is that?" you ask.

"How could anyone not notice the snow?" you wonder.

"For the past few weeks all we have seen is snow and you ask, 'Have I noticed
the snow?' Of course, I've noticed the snow...all I can see is snow," you
shout back.

Now before you conclude, I have completely lost touch with reality, let me explain. The above question, as you would suspect, has nothing to do with snow. It has everything to do with God. God is as real and present in our life as the snow that we can see everywhere at this moment. And to not recognize God with us every moment of every day is as absurd as asking you if you had noticed that it had snowed.

The psalmist writes, "Where can I go from your presence? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast" Psalm 139:7-10.

God is everywhere I can think to go says the psalmist. However, while we can't miss the snow, who doesn't find it hard to NOT miss God's presence in the routine of every day life?

It is for that reason, that I particularly appreciate this season of the Christian calendar. Lent is 40 days of intentional and focused "noticing." It is about noticing God's personal, powerful presence in our every day lives so that when Easter rolls around it won't just be another holiday of family gatherings and egg hunts, but will be truly and undeniably life-changing.

I invite you to join us tonight for our Ash Wednesday service at 7 PM as we begin this journey of noticing. Then walk with us each Sunday morning for our message series, "At the Cross," to discover what is to be found at the cross that we cannot find any place else.

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