Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Life is Hard"

My high school history teacher use to start most every day by saying, "Life is hard and then you die." (Yeah, he was a really upbeat and positive guy...but his message stuck.) I do not know anyone who is living in reality that would not agree that life is hard. The news media acknowledges this reality every day and we all shake our heads and agree, "Yes, life is hard."

However, there is something about life being hard that it seems the majority are not willing to accept as reality. Call it ignorance or out right denial, but I am willing to argue that the majority of the world has not accepted that while it is true that life is hard, our choices make my life harder or less hard.

For instance, the economy is hard right now on most all of us. But that reality does not remove the choice we have to be wise or foolish with our money. Making a choice to not live within your means is a bad choice that will make life all the harder and no one should be expected to rescue you from living that way. Learn to live according to what you earn, even if you wish it were more, and you will make a good choice that helps ease the burden of a bad economy and does not try to put the burden of your poor choice on someone else.

The same is true in our relationships. Relationships are hard work. But a poor choice of talking at each other and not hearing one another, only makes it more difficult. The choice to quit trying to win an argument and to start trying to bring resolution to a relationship is a choice that simply makes life easier.

The same is true for our health. We are all guaranteed that disease or injury will get us all. However, that does not mean we have to be stupid about it. The choice to take care of this body, which the Bible calls God's temple, only makes life easier. (Now, that is one hits me square between the eyes).

It is also true of what we think and speak. Life is hard enough, with out us making the choice to consume our minds in negative thinking and our mouths in speaking death. The Bible says we live what we think and what we speak gives power to God or Satan in our lives. So, make the choice to think on whatever is good as Philippians admonishes and speak life and guess are making a choice to not make a hard life even harder.

These words I have written may sting, but the reality is God gave us a choice as an act of love. He could have removed our choice, set everything in stone and said, "Now live what I give and you have no choice about it." But our Father loved us so much that he limited himself by giving us free choice. Then he showed us all the more love by showing us the way to make choices that lead to life and blessing rather than curses and death. Choosing God's way does not mean life will cease to be hard, but it does mean that it will free us to have a good, whole, free, even joyful life in the midst of the hard. But, again, even that requires a choice. And it is no simple one. It requires nothing less than all.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Acknowledge the Lord in ALL your ways and he will make your paths straight." Do you believe that? If you do, then you will make the choice to acknowledge him; that is put him first in ALL--your relationships, finances, health, past, present, future, etc. Then, even when life gets hard, at least your path will be straight for matter what you will know that be it easy or hard, your path is leading you straight to the arms of God and his best.

One way to acknowledge God in all is to make the choice to do the small things you can to bring the presence of Christ to others every day. What is one small thing you can do in that way today? Life is hard, but it does not mean we can't make it a little easier on someone else in the name of Christ.


Tammy Bair said...

While picking up a couple things at Kroger on Monday I saw a sale on orchids. They were so beautiful and only $5.99, which is cheap for them! Now I already have several of them at home but I just had to get more than one. As I was leaving the store a Lady stopped me and said"Do you know how to take care of these plants?" I have one at home and don't know how to care for it." I gave her some advice on care for them and she went in the store and I went to my car.While unloading my groceries I had an overwhelming revealation to give her one of my orchids!I mean it was strong! God said give one you have plenty.As I started back to the store a man walked toward me an said "Are those Orchids?" I said yes and we started a conversation about them. All the time I was looking toward the doors for this woman to come out, and trying to figure out who God wanted me to give an Orchid! Then I thought I have two an offered the man one hurriedly I might add still focused on her.He graciously declined my offer.Then she emerged from the store and got into a waiting car I raced over and motioned for her to roll down the window and told her that God told me to give her one of my Orchids. She chose one and was practically moved to tears she kept saying bless you, bless you! I am not sure why or what she might have needed that day but I am certain there was something! Our God is great and he works in mysterious ways! Sorry if this seemed to go on, there were so many factors involved.

Chad said...


That is great! Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for trusting God's nudge. That woman just saw Jesus through some orchids and you!