Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Roller Coaster Rides & Rocks"

I will always be loyal to the Beast as my favorite roller coaster, but I have to say the Diamond Back at Kings Island is a cool ride. I enjoy a good roller coaster...the anticipation as you make your way up the first hill...your stomach jumping to your throat as you race down that hill...the twists and curves at break-neck speeds...I love it!

However, I wish I could leave the roller coaster at the amusement park. You and I both know life can be quite a roller coaster. For instance, this week I have visited with a Mom and her newborn (Congratulations, Cameron and Marci), prayed with friends before surgery (Praying for you Heather) and met with a family to plan their loved one's funeral (We express our sympathy, Darlann).

See what I mean? Life is roller is full of ups and downs, unexpected turns and twists and sometimes it can feel like it is going by at break-neck speeds. The roller coaster called life can leave you crying tears of joy one minute and tears of sorrow the next. Some of us do our best to try to manage the ups and downs, but the truth is most of life is completely outside our control. Our best laid plans cannot plan for the twists that lie ahead of which we presently are clueless. How do you deal with the roller coaster?

I look for a rock. Life may be a roller coaster but that does not mean I cannot get off and stand on the rock. When was the last time you stood on a huge rock? I encourage you to find one. Then climb up and stand on it. Feel how strong and stable it is under your feet. Ask a friend to push on that boulder and then stop and think about the fact that you cannot even feel the effect of all the energy they are exerting to move you. Stand on top that rock and perhaps you will have a divine encounter.

The psalmist had such an encounter. If there is one thing Israel is not in want of, it is rocks. Rocks are everywhere there! I can see the psalmist standing on one of those dessert boulders and praying these words:
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted
me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and
gave me a firm place to stand" (Psalm 40:1-2).

Just because life is a roller coaster does not mean you can't get off the ride and stand on the rock. Better put, since life is a roller coaster we cannot afford not to regularly get off and stand on the rock. As I think about this, I feel a strong pulling to the Rock. When I force myself to step off the ride and just stand on him, it is amazing how things make more sense...its incredible how peace finds its way back to my heart and mind...its astounding how much more clearly I can hear the still, small voice of God's truth...its encouraging to be reminded that no matter what happens next, in Christ, one way or the other, I will be OK. In him, my Rock, I find permission to enjoy the ride and I find something to hold onto when the ride is more than I can bear. This is no religion...this is no self-help technique...this is not about positive thinking...this kind of rock can only be found in a real and personal relationship with Jesus. He is the Rock!

I invite you to step off the roller coaster for a few minutes today. Set aside the cell phone...turn off the TV...stop doing whatever it is the roller coaster tells you that you must do...and take just a moment to stand on the ROCK.


Anonymous said...

This happened today...just like you described it like a "Roller Coaster". I said the same things to a friend as we prayed together. Thank you Lord for the affirming signs you provide be still and stand on your strength.

Chad said...

Thank you for sharing!