Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spider in the Urinal

We have a spider living in one of the restroom urinals here at LH.  He has been there since Sunday.  I give him credit because that is the one place I am not putting my hand to kill it.  But, I can't help but wonder why a spider would chose a urinal for its home?

Of course, are we really much different? Its not like we people always make much better decisions.  I have found myself setting up camp in some place no better than urinals.  Do you know what I mean?  Why do we put ourselves in situations that stink of sin?  How do we get comfortable in places that any outsider would look at and say, "What were you thinking?"  What makes us stay stuck in habits, hurts and hang-ups as if that's our only choice?  If we are honest, I think we can all say we've lived like a spider in a urinal.  May be some of us are there right now. 

The Apostle Paul writes about this in Romans 7:14-20.  I encourage you to check it out.  I have never had some one read it who has not related to it.  In verse 15 he sums it up, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."  Doesn't that sound like life lived in a urinal? 

Like I said, everyone who reads that has always said to me, "That's how I feel.  I relate."  Sadly, it seems some of us read a passage from the Bible like that and justify our existence in the urinal.  But Paul does not write those words so we will stay stuck, but so we will desire to be free.  I encourage you to read what Paul writes in Romans 8. In that chapter he describes the freedom Christ makes possible for us as individuals and as a church. He describes with great detail and passion what it is like to discover life in the Spirit.

God has made us for so much better.  Romans 8:15 says that we have received a spirit of sonship.  We are permitted to cry out to God as "Abba" (Daddy).   And no son or daughter of his need settle for living in a urinal. 

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