Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Am a Warrior

Mary Miller is a part of the Living Hope Church family.  As we have been studying Ephesians 6, which describes the armor of God we, the Church, are to put on to bring truth, justice, peace, salvation and God's Word to the world, Mary was inspired to write the following poem.  She gave me permission to share it with you.  I believe God will use her words to encourage you as he has me.  Thank you, Mary!

I Am a Warrior
I live life in a fallen world
I battle to not survive but thrive and I have
Though not unscathed
My scars remind me of what I have conquered

I am a leader
Hope, faith, love, humility and perseverance are my superpowers
Each time I venture out to do more, to be who God created me to be, I am in the battle zone
Yet I do not fight alone for my faith in Christ is my shield
The church and God’s angles are my army
We all follow His lead

This life is a hazardous journey and
Everywhere you turn there is a battle
I fall – I pick myself up
When I am broken He carries me; He heals me
The best part is I learn to be more like Him
I begin to anticipate and expect trouble, to expect pain, to expect chaos
To expect all that Christ experienced and warned me about
And in the battle, in Him I have peace
So I keep going
I keep moving forward

I am a warrior
I am strong
My strength comes not from my physical body but my heart
My desire to help others to become whole in Christ– to become fellow warriors
At times I feel weak but I know that is a lie from the enemy of my soul
For Christ is my strength and through Him I am armed for battle

I could not become a warrior until I was able to see His strength in me
I used to shrink back, to isolate, to hide
I grieved God’s heart when I believed that lie
The enemy doesn’t want me to know I am strong
He doesn’t want me to fulfill God’s will for my life
He doesn’t want the injustice of this world to stop
Or for me to rise up, speak up, give a voice to the warrior’s anthem

I will NOT give up
I will NOT quit
I am a warrior
I fight injustice
I fight for my heart and the hearts of others
And though I know life is not a Disney movie
I know how this ends and
I am on the winning team

By Mary Miller, June 2013


Mitch Pollic said...

Awesome truth and what a response to God's message and moving at Living Hope. Warriors are overcomers. In Revelation God reveals His heart to those who will overcome. I definitely want to follow those who are focused more on what God is doing than upon our defeated enemy. Years ago my mentor spoke and shared "Our vocabulary betrays us" revealing the true nature of our heart and beliefs. Not so with Mary. Thanks for sharing the powerful message on Sunday and I told a friend, you preached too fast. Truth upon truth were zinging by and I couldn't catch it all. So glad I can watch it online.

Chad said...

Mitch, I have watched you model this kind of confession living over the years. Thank you for being an example to me. Thank you for taking the time to encourage.