I can remember a time, when occasionally, Seth would come clomping out into the room wearing my size 13 shoes. He would say, "Look at me." We would say, "Be careful," as he struggled to stay vertical in shoes in which he could more easily swim than run.
Seth in my shoes is a good metaphor for our faith in Jesus Christ. Some where along the way American individualism turned faith in Christ into a private, personal pursuit. We read passages like Ephesians 6:10-20, which talks about putting on the armor of God and a lone soldier facing the elements and defending him/herself against the enemy comes to mind. However, such a mind-set is not just an incorrect interpretation of that passage of Scripture, it is just plain ole bad theology. To put it most bluntly, it is not even Christian or biblical thinking.
The truth is faith in Jesus Christ is too big for any individual Christian to wear alone. When we walk around thinking its just me and Jesus, spiritually speaking, we look as silly and clumsy as a three year old in size 13 shoes. Faith in Jesus is about putting on truth, justice, peace, faith, salvation and the word of God (see Eph. 6). Any one of those items are too big for us, but put them all together and there is no way we can stand let alone walk in a faith that is fitted for Jesus.
Therefore, Paul says in Ephesians 6 we must put this full armor of God on together so that "you" meaning "you all"; in other words, all of us toegtehr as the Body of Christ can take your stand against the devil's schemes. That is why Baptism is so important. Each person being baptized is putting on the full armor of God because baptism is what unites us with the Body of Christ. The armor of God is too big for any one of us, but is just the right fit for us together as Jesus' Body.
Furthermore, that is why it is so important that the local Body of Christ make baptism services a priority. This is not just about the one being baptized. This is about us showing the one that they are now being fitted to the entire Body. Our presence this Sunday along with our worship and cheers gives witness to the reality that each one being baptized will never again be going it alone. We make this journey to the summit together!
Please pray for those preparing to be baptized. The Enemy fights any step we take with Jesus, especially one that overcomes the lie of individualism and accepts the truth that I am a part of the Body. Thank you for those who plan to attend and support your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your part on Sunday is as important as those being baptized. Finally, for those of you who always choose not to come to baptism service, can I ask you a question? This time instead of relying on whatever reason you use to opt out of a baptism service, will you at least take the time to pray and ask God to search your heart on this? After all, faith in Jesus is too big for one, but just right for all and that is not just truth for some, but for us all.
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