Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Look in the Mirror"

In the mirror I see what all of you have to see...sorry about that...I see things that I would rather not see.  Like, all the gray hairs that have sprouted.  Even my nose hairs are turning white. And why do I have more hair growing in my ear than on top of my head?  I may not always like what I see, but a look in the mirror keeps me honest.

What if that is what these next few days leading up to Easter are suppose to be about? What if Jesus' last supper, his prayer of surrender in the garden, the kiss that betrayed him, the false trial that condemned him, the beating and mocking, the cross walk through Jerusalem and the hanging on Calvary are all about?  What if starting today through Sunday morning the only way any of it will mean anything is if we are willing to let Jesus' journey to and death on the cross serve as our mirror?

Go ahead...take a good hard look at your reflection through the blood of Jesus sacrifice.  What do you see?  I'll tell you what I see...In view of His selflessness I see my selfishness.  In view of His love, I see my hate.  In view of His mercy, I see my resentment.  In view of His obedience I see my disobedience. In view of His submission, I see my rebellion.

Come on...take a good hard look.  This is important. This is not about beating yourself up.  It is about getting honest about who you are so you can be honest about what you need.  You, like me, need a savior.  You never outgrow your need for grace.  Its not just others who are a mess, so am I and so are you.  Can you see that?  Will you admit that?  If not, then you are living life blind.  You might as well walk off into the ditch now because you are headed no place but  into the dark.

As uncomfortable as it is, if you will dare to look into the mirror of Jesus sacrifice and see yourself as you truly are without him, then you will come to see that in view of his death, you now have life!

Why not take some time to read and meditate on Jesus last supper and crucifixion tonight and tomorrow? Why not use what you read as a mirror? 

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