Our kids are at an age where we talk a lot about choices. Sometimes a day sounds like this...
"Seth, when you choose to jump off the furniture into the table you will get hurt."
"Anna, when you choose to live like a tornado has hit your room, then it takes a long time to clean it."
"Seth, when you choose to put your dishes in the sink we thank you."
"Anna, when you choose to do your homework first, then you have more time to play later."
Choices...our days, our years, our lives, our eternities are all determined by choices. By themselves our choices are as small as jumping off furniture or cleaning our room, put string them all together and our little choices are patterns that set our priorities.
My grandma use to say to me, "Chad, people do what they want to do." She was right. If I want to be real, I will be no matter what fear tells me may or may not happen if I confess my sins to other believers as James 5:16 says. If I want to be connected so I can experience transformation then I will not just come to worship and be involved in a small group, but I will participate while I am there. If I want be poured out then I will give of my time and money in response to the needs of others. Its all about choices. Let's face it, I and you, do what we want to do.
So, what does what you do say about what you want...what you value...what you need? As we talked on Sunday, even what we choose to put in our mouth can reveal if we are putting our trust in Christ or in some pleasure we consume.
As I said last week, this journey called Lent is not an easy one to travel. It reveals our true motives. It blows our excuses out of the water. It points out what we really want by making us be honest about the choices we are making. But even in these forty days of on the uphill climb to the mountain top called Easter, Jesus is there. He has already gone this way before us. He chose to blaze this trail for us. (See Hebrews 12).
In preparation for Sunday, I invite you to chew on John 13. Ask the Spirit to make you want to be free of the next toxin, envy.
I really like your blog Chad. You are making a difference in the world!
Thank you, Lisa...your blog is really inspiring...not only do you have great thoughts, but the way you invite people into the thoughts through the photos and everything is really well done.
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