Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How's Your Bra-KHAH Going?

This week I have heard some great stories of how your Bra-KHAH prayers are going and I would love to hear more.  Every story you share will help me better incorporate this ancient prayer practice into the flow of my life. 

This prayer practice found its start in Moses words in Deuteronomy 8:10, "When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the Lord for the good land he has given you."  The word for bless in Hebrew is Bra-KHAH.  It does not mean the gift or favor God bestows upon us, but to bless or praise or thank God.  It literally means, "kneeling down."  This prayer practice is about a mental kneeling from the time you wake until you return to bed with short, specific sentence prayers of blessing.  It means we allow all the circumstances of life--small and larger, good and bad--direct our attention to God's goodness.  Bra-KHAH prayers root our happiness in God's goodness rather than in the circumstances of life.

What if we have not learned to pray until we have first learned to pray for God?  Bra-KHAH is our teacher.  The Jewish people would pray, "Blessed is the Lord, King of the Universe, for...the food you provide...body parts that work...the colors of a sunrise..." They even had a prayer for the grief and pain of life: "Blessed is the Lord, King of the Universe, who is the one true judge."  This reminded them that even when it is bad, God is still good and he will ultimately bring justice; righting every wrong.

OK...enough with the recap, reminder.  It would be great to hear from you. Send some examples my way of how your Bra-KHAH is going? 

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