I suppose
we all have days where we what to throw our hands in the air and scream, “What’s
the point?” “Everything that can go
wrong goes wrong.” “When it rains it
pours.” “Its one thing after another.” You know all the sayings; they all drive
people to the same question, “What’s the point?”
I wonder if
anyone is brave enough to admit that you have wondered, if not asked, “What’s the point of prayer?”
Jesus (the
perfect revelation of God) urges us…no commands us…”Ask, seek, knock.”
“Ask and it
will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened
to you. For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door is opened,” Luke 11:9-10.
If we think
the point of prayer is getting what we want then we will most likely become frustrated
and scream, “What’s the point?” Because the
point of prayer is not about getting what you want. The point of prayer is about getting what you
need and not what we think we need, but what God knows we need. Therefore, Jesus says ask, seek and knock, in
other words, pray so that you can receive, find and have the door opened. God always answers prayer. The question is are we willing to receive,
find and have the door opened that he gives in response to our side of prayer?
the only prayer God does not answer is the prayer that is not prayed. If you do not ask, you will not be given an
answer. If you do not seek, you will not
find. If you do not knock, you will not
have the door opened. Why? Doesn’t God
know our prayer before we pray it? Why
do we need to pray? Because the point of
prayer is not the prayer, but the relationship.
Asking, seeking, knocking and then listening and watching for God’s
response is what allows this love-relationship to grow. When I engage in conversation (which, by the
way, is always to be a two-way conversation) I learned to recognize his voice
and to see his hand at work.
7-8 PM, I am inviting you to join me in the main worship room (Child care provided)
to ask, seek and knock. We will be
praying specifically for healing. Do you
or someone you know need healing of any kind?
Come and let us pray. Do you
simply want to see first hand how God speaks and responds to the prayers of his
people? It is a beautiful and powerful
to witness. Join us tonight and watch
God give, find and open doors that would never have been opened, found or given
had we not come together for prayer.
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