Several months ago, our daughter, Anna (5 yrs. old) was crying for no noticeable reason. It was bed time so I knew, in part, it was because she was tired. I came into her room, sat on her bed and asked her what was wrong. She did not know what was wrong.
I said, "Anna, do you just need to cry?"
At that question, the dam broke and a flood of sobs spilled out. She fell into my arms and said, "Yes, Daddy, I just need to cry and I need you to just hold me."
I held my baby girl in my arms, rubbed her back, listened to her cry and told her, "Its OK, baby, you can cry as much as you need." Minutes later, we were wiping her tears and blowing her nose.
"Thank you, Daddy," she said, "I love you."
"I love you too, baby. Good night."
Sometimes we all need is to be held. Especially a child.
My son Seth (3 yrs.) has never had the same need to cry for no reason, but he also expresses a need to be held. He does so in a more assertive manner. I've noticed that by the time my day off rolls around, he is in need of some Daddy time. Usually some time on Friday, he will suddenly stop whatever he is doing and make his way over to me. If something is in my lap, he simply moves it. Then he climbs up and takes a seat. I wrap my arms around him, plant a kiss on his head and say, "I love you, bud." Then I love to hear him say, "I wove you too, Dad."
Sometimes a child just needs to be held.
The same story will go untold in Indianapolis Super Bowl weekend. While the city fills with football fans ready to enjoy the game of the year, some evil folks will be looking to make more money on this annual event than they will at any other event in the USA. Across Indianapolis, motel rooms will be stocked with children, boys and girls. The average age for underage sex is 10, but some will be as young as my daughter, Anna.
I can hear them crying out in their hotel rooms. Crying to be heard. Crying to be held. Crying to be rescued. Others have been held in this modern day slavery so long they have stopped crying. To protect their young hearts and minds from another night of disappointment, they have given up all hope of ever being set free from this hell on earth.
And so, on their behalf, Jesus cries out. Jesus said he came to "preach good news to the poor, set captives free and open the eyes of the blind" (Luke 4:18). The question is, will we his church be about the same business? Will we open our blind eyes to the 27 million of our world forced to have sex or do work as slaves? Will we not just say, "how awful", but will insist on joining Jesus in setting captives free? Will we preach good news or will our faith be nothing more than empty words in a Sunday sermon?
Women...join us at Living Hope this Saturday anytime between 6-9 PM for a WAR (Women at Risk) international party. You can purchase hand made items that children and women have made so they no longer have to be slaves.
Men...take next Wed. off work and register today for the STAND in Indianapolis. Register today at Last year 61 victims were rescued from the Super Bowl. What if our part could rescue more? "America's Most Wanted" TV Show will even be there to follow the efforts of the day.
Come on...if it were your child, no excuse would get in the way of you holding him or her in your arms. And I can't think of any excuse worthy of telling someone else, "I won't help you hold your child again?" How about you?
This is excellent Chad. Just heard Joanne Lyon preach 2 weeks on the sad state of human trafficking and what her organization is doing to help stop it. Blessings on you and your family!
Cheryl, thanks for taking the time to write. I will check out Lyon's organization.
the whole idea of people being trafficked gets me all twisted up inside...I just want to stand up & make it stop...I'm so excited to be a part of a body of believers who are willing to stand up for people who have lost their voice...Each time I wear the jewelry made by one of the victims it reminds me to be bold & stand up & speak God's truth so the light can be spread into the darkness...I love the simple truth that was spoken at the Human Trafficking event this past year...Stop the demand & it will if you can't think of any other way to stand up...stop helping the demand continue...
That's powerful, Heather! Thank you for bring WAR to LH!
dinChad Hi, I just read your post on human trafficking, and I am so touched by this. It hurts so much to know there are children being put through such an awful way of life. Children are so precious and their little bodies so pure, I am in prayer for these little lives, I believe God will take a stand against this cruel intent on their lives. Where two or more gather together in His name there He will also be. Blessings to you and your precious family.
Thank you for posting. Yes, God will take a stand through his church. That is how he brings hope to our world now, through us. Praise God and God give us courage and strength to pray our prayers through action. Thank you, Pam.
Thank-you for this powerful piece, Chad. I've been fighting this evil full time for years in Tennessee and it still hurt my heart and made me cry.
I'm now taking on a new role as Exec. Director of the emerging Underground Justice and Mercy Center, hosted by Trevecca University. May we repost/print this article (with proper attribution of course) just leaving off or changing the action points in the last few paragraphs?
Thank-you for all you do towards our common cause.
Dear Derri Smith,
Please, if there is any way you think this may be a help to the work you do, please feel free to use it and do with it what you want. You can make any changes you like. Thank you for your true expression of what it means to be the Church. I would also love to know more about your organization.
Thank-you for that generous sharing, Chad, and your interest and encouragement. Much appreciated.
For the past 3 1/2 years End Slavery Tennessee (ESTN) has trained thousands of the professionals most likely to encounter victims (leading to id and rescue), provided direct aid to survivors for things that law enforcement does not have the mandate or funds for and developed an extensive prevention program for both general youth audiences and for those most vulnerable.
ESRN is now a division of the emerging Underground Justice and Mercy Center. Our goal is to provide to victims and those seeking help on their behalf a single point of contact to services and service providers that restore a victim to wholeness.
Thanks for asking and caring. Your prayers would be most appreciated. This is a job too big for us but not for God.
As a mother, grandmother , and great grandmother the topic makes me very tearful. I would like to pledge to do an 8 hour fast on Super Bowl Day to be in prayer for this rescue mission. Would anyone like to join me?
Thank you for sharing about your ministry. I have liked you on FB and signed up for your newsletter.
Anonymous, thank you for fasting and praying with us on Wed!
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