Last month was my 11 year anniversary at Living Hope. I vividly recall, my first month here in Centerville. I was handed the keys to a building that housed a church that had completely disseminated. Everyone I met, seemed to say, "For some reason a church never seems to fly there." I was young, inexperienced and very much aware of my inadequacies.
One night, I laid in my bed, unable to sleep and sobbed. I mean I broke. Had anyone been with me, I would have been embarrassed. As I cried, I prayed...better put, I wallowed in fear and self-pity...I cried out, "God, I don't know what I am doing. I don't know how lead a church that is established let alone start a new church. I don't have enough experience. I am so young that people look at me as a kid not a pastor. What if this all fails? What if everyone figures out how scared I am?" I poured out my honest confession to the Father. And somewhere in the midst of my crying, questioning and doubting, the Father interrupted me. His word to me was clear and concise, "Luke 1:37, 'For nothing is impossible with God."
God was asking me to make up my mind where I would put my faith. Would I put my faith in myself, my abilities, my resources, my experience, my education or would I put my faith in him? Would I dare to believe his promise, "For nothing is impossible with God." What choice did I have? I knew I could not do it. And that day, by his grace, I dared to believe he could do anything! I have carried that truth with me ever since. Sometimes that truth encourages me and sometimes it convicts me, but for 11 years now it has been a rock on which I have found solid ground. Praise God! Hallelujah! Our Father is faithful to his word!
I write these words after just returning form Centerville High School. I was invited to represent our (and 6 other churches and multiple local businesses and organizations)Food 2 Go ministry. I shared the heart of Food 2 Go to 20 High School Students and three adult advisors, who deemed Food 2 go to be one of four finalists for Spirit Chain (an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for charity).
I was given the honor to share that 6 churches and multiple other groups are working together to wipe out child hood hunger in our community. One of the School District's social workers rearranged her schedule to come and speak with me about Food 2 Go. A high-up administrator saw Linda Parks, who came with me, and shared how Food 2 Go is valued by the school district for the impact it is making on the children, the Elk Enterprise Special Needs Students and the community as a whole. (That reminds me, last month, I had the honor of praying at the Dedication ceremony for the new Public Works building. The Mayor, started the ceremony by sharing with the audience about Living Hope and the 5 churches that work together through Food 2 Go).
What is this? A public School inviting a church to share? What is this? Government officials talking about churches at public events? Al I can say is, "For nothing is impossible with God!"
And you know, what, that is just one example. This Sunday I will share a huge "For nothing is impossible with God" moment as I share about the Pancake Breakfast giving. And then the list could easily go on from there...from the 52% who are taking their faith so seriously they are involved in small groups and discipleship, to our healing ministries (Celebrate Recovery, Prayer Ministry for inner Healing, Freedom from Anger), to Bloc 25, to Vacation Bible School, to our Mission Ukraine Orphanage Partnership, to the Home Repair team, to Don't go to Church Day, to the 100% offering give away, to 100 people coming to know Christ last year...and I could keep going!
And do you know why? Because nothing is impossible with God! But in order for God to do the impossible, it takes more than a pastor to believe it, it takes a whole church. Thank you for being that church! Thank you for being a church that stands up, lives out and dares to believe, "FOR NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!"
What's the impossible thing for you today? Come on...take my hand...climb up on this rock of truth and believe with me, "For nothing is impossible with God!"
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