Luke 1:37 says, "For Nothing is impossible with God." If you have been around Living Hope anytime at all you know that is one of my favorite verses from the Bible's Christmas account. But you probably do not know that every once in a while I ask myself, "Do you really believe that?" It may sound odd for a Pastor to ask such a question, but the truth is in my position it is dangerously easy to do get so use to saying the right thing that you say it more than you believe it.
When Living Hope began 10 years ago, I had no choice but to believe that verse. I was single, fresh out of college, 25 years old, with no experience. My resume showed several years of janitorial and lawn mowing, but nothing to do with leading a church let alone starting one. I was scarred into believing that verse. But I believed it. Every night, when I would lay there unable to sleep thinking of everything that had to be done that I did not know how to do, I would cry out, "Lord, I believe that nothing is impossible with you." All I can say, is that I watched God do the impossible! He is amazing! Praise Him!
Ten years later, to be honest, I often find myself just as scared. Now, I look back and think I was more equipped to start a church from nothing than to try to Pastor the great church you all are and will become. Now, I am driven to believe in that verse not out of fear, but out of necessity. This verse reminds me to work hard, do my best and then step aside and let God do what no amount of work and my very best could ever do and that is let him change our lives and then let him move through us to change the lives of others in our community, country and world.
I do not know why I am rambling on about this...this is truly some "random thoughts" today. I guess I have just been thinking a lot about the Christmas story and how God's coming to save the world required a few key, but extremely ordinary people like a Priest in the temple and a virgin teenage girl from Nazareth to be willing to believe, "For nothing is impossible with God."
And every Christmas, God seems to ask us again, "Do you believe? Do you still believe?" That is a question you will have to answer for yourself. As for me,all I can say is that the more God gives me the courage to believe that with him all things are possible it is amazing how much more I see God overcome the impossible. Merry Christmas!
This verse also reminds me to work hard at what He tells me to do...follow Him. I've struggled hard on this for the past year in CR and I'm learning its about Him not me, and that the only way is in taking His yoke to do this.
When I'm weak and unable, which seems to be the situation with these struggles, this is when HE is strong. Seems like the struggle is what makes me weak. I've prayed for Him to take them away,and heal me, but what really happens is that I now love that He's always with me and His grace is sufficent. I'm learning that My best is now to trust Him and also step aside and let God do what no amount of work on my part can do. Then I'm trying to do what He's asking of me in His strength and follow the path He's given me. My very best seems to come only when I've let him direct the way and rest in His humble and gentle spirit to move me through these struggles. Perhaps then I'm reflecting into the lives of others.
Thank you putting it so well. I hear you and I am with you.
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