Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Stop Swinging the Sword"

"Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus)." (John 18:10).

I have heard some preachers say that the reason Peter cut off Malchus' ear was because he was swinging for his head and missed. However, I would think it would be easier to cut off a head than an ear.

Actually, it would seem Peter was very deliberate in his action. In the first century slaves were identified by cutting off the lobe of the ear. Furthermore, Jews believed that if you were buried with part or all of your ear cut off that you would be doomed to be a slave in heaven. So, Peter picked out the high priest's servant to make a pretty strong statement. In essence he said, "Mess with us and you'll be nothing more than our slaves some day in the afterlife."

"That-a-boy, Peter...that will hit 'em where it hurts. These who use their faith to judge will get caught in their own judgement. Now one of their own will be a slave forever. If you can't win the war at least you can make a point!," I say. I completely relate to Peter's action and appreciate his style. After all, his action was justified. Jesus was innocent. Somebody ought to put up a fight. Somebody ought to say something...he had every right to take a stand.

So, do we...right? "Don't take anybody's crap," we say. "Stand up for yourself!" "You've got your rights." Right?

Enter Jesus...He picks up the ear and places it back on the man. Thus saying, "Mess with me and I will still forgive you...I'll even heal you." The one who was innocent refused to demand his rights. No one took his life. He gave it up freely. And while they crucified him and hurled insults at him, "Father forgive them," was his come back.

I don't know about you, but I've got a lot to learn. I've learned to well how to stand up for myself and demand my rights. I know how to fight. I've got my comebacks and they sound nothing like, "Father forgive."

What if from now until Easter all of us committed to stop swinging the giving up our right to be right? What if for these next few days we chose the path of voluntary self-denial in honor of Jesus self-sacrifice? What could that look like? It could be as small as refusing to complain or even say a word if our food is prepared wrong at the restaurant or we could give up the close parking space and park far away to give someone else the spot. It could mean that we forgive a debt someone owes us and refuse to ever hold it against them again. It could mean a husband and wife call a truce for a few days and instead of trying to make the other see things from their perspective, they spend the next few days trying to see things from their spouses perspective. It could mean I give up my right to criticize, judge and look down upon. I don't know what it might look like for you, but I can imagine that if all of us spent the next few days giving up our right to be right that Jesus would be lifted up. We might just get a taste of what it is like to be so free in Christ to offer healing to those who intend our harm that we may never want to pick up the sword again.

I know...this is too idealistic...unreasonable even in this world...I agree...but, then again, is anything any more idealistic and unrealistic than God dieing for somebody like you and me.

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