Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Credit Where Credit is Due"

Each year, the Church of the Nazarene asks its pastor's to write a report to give account for the past year of ministry. Our church year ends on May 31 so I just submitted the report for Living Hope. I want to share with you what I reported because this is your report, but also because we need to give credit where credit is due. All praise and glory be to Him from whom all of this has come!

•99 people made commitments to Christ.
•64% were involved in small groups.
• About 154 children were fed every week in our community who would have
otherwise gone hungry on the weekends through our Food 2 Go.
• About 20 at-risk children were mentored every Thursday through our Bloc 25.
•Elderly we were loved, houses were repaired, specials needs children were
served and much more on our “Don’t Go to Church, Be the Church” Sunday.
•Over 100,000 meals packaged through Kids Against Hunger.
•We have partnered with 10 others Nazarene Churches to partner in ministry and
share in mission through the “Synergy Network.”
•One mission team was sent to Ukraine and 24 orphans were sponsored all year
through an on-going partnership with World Light Foundation.
•30 people fully surrendered themselves to Christ to be transformed by the
renewal of their minds.
•We partnered with “30 Days Homeless” to raise awareness and money for aged-out
foster kids who are now homeless in Montgomery County.
•We gave 100% of our offering away to help families in need one Sunday in
•People are finding real transformation through Celebrate Recovery, The Prayer
Ministry for Inner Healing and Freedom From Anger for Women.
•People in our church family have been responding to God’s call and finding
their own mission in the world such as nursing home ministry, working with an
Indian Reservation in South Dakota, providing housing for the homeless, Dayton
Street Ministry, school supplies for children in need, encouraging our
military and much, much more.

In these first ten years we have found what I believe will also be true for the next: "For nothing is impossible with God!" (Luke 1:37). Thank you for being a church that is real, transformed, connected and poured out!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"We Understand in Part"

Yesterday, our dog, Butterball was neutered. It was funny and some what scary to hear Anna try to figure out exactly what was being done to him. Before his surgery, I over heard her comforting Butterball with these words, "Butterball, this is a big day for you ("If only Butterball knew how big of a day it was," I thought.) You are going to have surgery. They are going to cut you so they can take something out. I don't know what they are going to take out, but it really needs to come out so they can fix you. You want to be fixed don't you? It will be OK."

Then she turned to me and I thought, "O, Lord, please don't let her ask me what I think she is going to ask me."

God denied my prayer.

"Daddy," she asked, "What does Butterball need fixed?" I replied, "Sweetie, sometimes we just need certain things fixed and that is what Butterball needs."

Finally, God came through for me and she was satisfied with my answer.

As adults it is hard for us to see that next to an all-knowing God, we seem like kids trying to figure out life. We try to make sense of what does not make sense in this life. But the Bible urges us to get honest with ourselves about the reality that this side of heaven we can only see in part.

I Corinthians 13 explains: "8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

As much as we want to understand all things here and now, the Bible asks us to acknowledge that we can't...we won't. Can I accept that? Can you? Can I live in the tension of trusting God's love while not yet understanding his ways?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"The Kingdom of God is like..."

The Kingdom of God is like people taking the bread and cup of Christ to others. These are your stories...

Christ to one who did not feel worthy:
"When they passed out the communion packs on Easter Sunday the friend I invited didn't take one because she said it wouldn't be right because she wasn't living right. I told her that she was exactly who Jesus had in mind when his body was broken and his blood was shed. When I dropped her off at home we took communion in my van in her driveway. We didn't know all the right words to say but for me it was the most powerful communion I've ever experienced."

Christ to the lonely:
"Today I stepped way out of my comfort zone. When I accepted the communion packet Sunday I kind of had an idea who I would share it with. Needless to say...God had someone else in mind. I had thought i would share it with a friend of mine. I figured she has seemed a little down for awhile and could use a boost. Well, today i woke up with the image of my elderly neighbor in my mind. He lives alone and never has visitors and we try to keep an eye on him since he is alone. Throughout the day i had about 4 or 5 moments where out of the blue he would pop in my mind. I kept saying "no way...that will make him uncomfortable and besides I don't even know his beliefs." Well finally at about 2:10 I decided to put my shoes on and peek over in his back yard. He was on his little fenced in patio. Well i grabbed the packet and walked to the fence and after a minute or two i said "OK God...I am not gonna yell for him so if this is you then let him see me over here" Just then he lifted his head and looked over the privacy fence he was behind and waved and yelled hello. When he came out of his gate he began talking about how muddy the yards were and I said "yes...its just awful...but i have a question for you." I told him about the communion and he said "Oh no! I'm not Catholic!" I laughed and said "Well that's ok cause neither am I! We do this because we love Jesus and its to remember His body and blood that he shed for our sins." His face actually lit up and he practically yelled "Well I WILL do that!" So right there in the mud and muck we stood over a rusty chain link fence and shared communion. After we were done he told me how much he loves us and how much it means to him to be cared for. He wanted to repay us for all the help we have given him over the years and i told him there is no need to give us a thing. He said " Its the caring...isn't it." and I said "yes...that's what its all about!" In 20 years of living beside this man he was finally comfortable taking my hand in his and patting it with the other he said "I love you guys and thank you". He left the fence with tears in his eyes."

Christ to the troubled marriage:
"I think this story started a week or two ago. I was speaking with a friend that is going through a divorce and he told me he was depressed. After we talked for a little bit I told him God does everything for a reason, he never said it was going to be easy. But this could make him grow in another direction he don't even see yet or another plan. I said I know it doesn't help much now but listen to him (meaning God) and he will lead you. My friend said back to me I wish I had your faith. I replied the cool thing is you can. So when you said to take the communion to some one I thought of him. I did not take communion with this person though, at first it was to help him through his divorce to try and give him peace. Then when I went to talk to him about communion he told me that his wife contacted him and she want to try counseling one more time. (They have been through counseling two or three other times.) So I told him to take it and split it with her before they started counseling so that they could have the best shot to get through this rough time. And I am not going to lie I also told him not to think I was crazy for giving it to him."

Christ to the widow:
"I brought mine home and on Sunday evening I gave it to my Mom. She was really tired from the day and she set it aside. I wondered if she heard me say that we were supposed to break bread together and share this communion. The next day when I talked with her, she had already taken the communion. She chose to take communion alone with her memories of my Dad and their unfailing trust in Jesus Christ. She shared that moment with God. Mom really appreciated the fact that communion was brought to her when she could not attend church."

Christ to the dying:
"I do want to tell you about taking the communion to one of my hospice patients in a nursing home. When I entered the nursing home I saw the family in the lobby. I went to them and asked their permission to give communion to her.(Her son in law who was there is a minister and I had no idea how he may have felt about it.) They graciously gave their permission and their blessing for me to do this.After talking to the nurse hoping there would not be any dietary restrictions, I was on my way to her room. She is a devout christian so she knew exactly what I had brought to her. But it was also very meaningful to her because Sun. was her 90+ birthday. I can not tell you how appreciative she was that someone would do this for her on Easter. Even though she was in bed when I left her room her hands were raised and she was praying aloud."

Christ to the elderly:
"I took the to go containers to the nursing home yesterday. I shared why we do it and invited Loretta, My Mom and two other residents, Rolland and June to join with me , they were eager to take part.. I prayed and asked for the Holy spirit to fill them as they took in the body and blood of Jesus. Afterward, Junes son, who was there visiting his Mother (probably late teens, early 20's) asked if he could also take communion. He said, I have never done this but I like what you said,and since you have it , I will do it too! Loretta was very happy but she wanted me to put the head of her bed down first so she could see the picture of Jesus hanging above her head. She let me put the wafer on her tongue after I dipped it in the juice, she had a beautiful smile on her face and my Mom closed her eyes, I think she was praying, and then she cried. It was a very moving and spiritual experience!"

Christ to a mother with cancer:
"Mom was unable to attend worship on Easter because she is too weak from cancer. When I came home from worship, I gave shared communion with her. She wept as she received this gift."

Christ to the discouraged:
"I have a friend who I invited to Easter services. He has been so discouraged that he did not come. I took the bread and cup to his house after the service, but he would not even open the door. I put it at his door with a note. Later that day he sent me a text saying he had received communion and how much it meant to him."

Christ to the neighbor:
"For five years, I have lived across the street from a good neighbor. He is always friendly. Easter Sunday, he came to mind. I knocked on the door. When I told him why I had come to share the bread and cup of Christ, he invited me inside. This was the first time in all theses years I was invited into his home. We shared communion together and then sat and talked for some time."

Christ to the homeless:
"Last night during the Dayton Street Ministry, I took my two cups and was looking for the opportunity. During the rain and as darkness fell I came across Mark Anderson. Mark was panhandling at STRT48 and the east bound entrance ramp to I-35, with a cardboard sign, I just caught a glimpse of the word “homeless” and couldn’t read what he wrote. A college girl in a compact car rolls down her window hands Mark a can of Mt Dew, and he thanks her. As he puts the can w/ his belongings the college girl mouths “Thank you “ to me. Mark sees us and asked us to give him a moment while the cars clear, as Mark didn’t want to miss any opportunity for charity. Once the cars cleared he stepped away from his perch where he had positioned cardboard to protect his feet from the saturated ground. He had long white hair, unshaven, thin, a blue ball cap to keep the rain off of him and wore a “smile”. I offer him a couple bottles of water which at first he refuses because he has Mt. Dew to drink. After some casual conversation, Mark accepts 2 bottles of water and a couple burrito’s/pudding cups Charlene Karacia had made and donated to tonight’s event. Mark was focused on us now and not the cars waiting for the light to turn green. Mark put the food and water with his other belongings and thanked us. Mark’s willingness and accepting was so warm, gentle and appreciative I recognized Marks needs we’re greater than what we had seen in this ministry before. God spoke and I moved. I offered him some dry clothes (t-shirt, a polo and a pair of sweat pants), which I carry for just these God moments. A lady with us gave him a plastic Kroger bag to keep the clothes dry, which Mark tied up and placed on the wet ground. We asked if we could pray with him as a group and he gladly accepted. This was the time when we would leave and find our next “customer”, but God spoke again and I moved. I have something for you, I said. I peeled back the wrapper and exposed the wafer. Mark then said … “I KNOW WHAT THIS IS … THANK YOU!!” He ate the wafer and then I opened the cup which he took and drank. I then told him “Jesus’ body was broken and his blood spilled so you may have ever lasting life. I pray for your health, shelter and nourishment my brother”. He then took the cup, as not to trouble me and said “I’ll throw this away”. As we left and waved good-bye Mark returned to his post, perched on the curb standing on cardboard in the rain hoping some motorists would provide him some food or spare change."

This is the kingdom of God...a network of Christ touching people who in turn touch others who are in turn touched by Christ who in turn touch others who...