Thursday, January 31, 2013

Disturb us, Lord

As we continue to forget the resolution and embark on a adventure with God, this prayer attributed to Sir Francis Drake in 1577 comes to mind.   May we allow God to use this prayer to disturb us into new territory today!

"Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst for the waters of life;
Haven fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.

We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope and love."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Feelings Second"

I tried the treadmill and hated not going anyplace.  I tried the mall, but I don't even like to go to the mall to shop so why would I think that would be a motivating place to walk?  So, I decided that since the one place I enjoy walking is outdoors, I would not let the weather stop me from taking a thirty minute walk every day. 

However, I admit, on cold days like yesterday I am not feeling it.  Everything in me says, "Its too cold.  Just skip a day. Be honest: you just don't feel like walking today."  On those days when I do not feel like walking, I remind myself of this truism: "When I don't feel like it, I need it the most."  That is so true...less than half way through my walk I am feeling it and thanking God that I did not miss what has become a great time of prayer, stress relief and exercise for me.

I don't know about you, but too often I let my feelings dictate my action.  Now, please do not mishear me.  I am not one who devalues feelings.  God made us to be emotional creatures and our feelings have great value to all we are and do.  However, it seems that some where along the way our culture has wrongly taught us that feelings should always precede action. For example, our culture suggests, that when I feel like walking, I can then walk or when I feel like connecting with other believers in a small group to be real and transformed then I can do so or when I feel like I am dating again, then I can date my wife again or when I feel like serving, then I can serve. Our culture has taught us to assume we should not do anything we do not feel first.  What lunacy!

Jesus said, "Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself"  He did not say to love God and others only when you first feel it, but to love them even when you don't feel it.  Why?  So we can all be hypocrites?  No!  He tells us to love without the feelings so we will NOT be hypocrites.  Jesus said even pagans love those who love them first.  We are called to a more true way of living, which means sometimes we must act before we feel.

It is amazing how this works.  When I do the right and good thing even before I feel like doing it, I actually allow the feelings to come.  For example, when I walk even though I do not feel it, I have never finished the walk thinking I still don't feel it.  When Kimberly and I act lovingly toward each other even during those times when we are not feeling it like we were when we were dating, it is amazing how those feelings follow.  When I show up at the men's Bible study and accountability group tonight, I know from past experience, that even though my introverted self never feels like going, I always leave thanking God that I've gone because he always uses those men to let me hear Him and to move me into new territory.

What would happen if for the rest of this week we all were determined to act before we feel? Talk about an adventure! One thing is for sure, our corporate worship would go to a whole new level this Sunday.  Why not give it a try whether you feel like it or not? 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

'Saftey Culture"

Google the phrase "Safety Culture" and you will find it originated after the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Explosion in Ukraine in 1986.  It is a term that has become associated with measuring work place attitudes and actions that promote a culture of safety.  Obviously, we do not want another Chernobyl so "safety culture" is good when it comes to business practices.  I think one could argue that the "Safety Culture" mindset even spilled over into mainstream American culture as well. 

Think about was not until the mid '80s that seat belt enforcement began in Ohio and growing up we would have made fun of kids who wore bike helmets.  But now, in our "safety culture" my kids would think I was crazy if I suggested no seat belts and no helmets, which is a good thing. 

However, if we are not careful we will tend to apply our culture's values to following Jesus.  And when it comes to "safety culture" Jesus is very counter cultural.  Jesus knew that the cross was waiting for him in Jerusalem and yet he intentionally went there.  He knew the guards were coming to take him away and when Peter drew a sword to protect him, Jesus told him to put it away.  Jesus was mocked, beaten, spit upon and killed on a cross.  I am so grateful that Jesus love drove him to the cross for me and you.  I am blown away by that kind of love. 

I know it sounds awful, but I am OK with Jesus facing the cross for me as long as he does not ask me to do the same.  The problem is Jesus says, "Anyone who would come after me must deny himself take up his cross and follow me." That is crazy talk in a culture like ours...we have insurance for our kids wear more protection when they ride their bike than my Great Uncle had access to in WWII.  In our cultures attempt to keep us safe, has it put us in danger of missing the risk of the gospel?  Does our faith lack power because we are playing it too safe?  Can we even have faith at all if we insist on staying where we feel safe? 

Jesus says I am going to the cross, if you want to follow me then give up your right to be safe and let's pick up the cross.  The cross is not a burden in life that you have no choice but to carry.  The cross is a burden you don't have to carry but choose to do so in obedience to Christ for the good of others. 

And right there is where the adventure with God is. When we take up the cross God calls us to, we are no longer in control.  We don't have a chance of making it but by his love and strength.  Its the place where we are going to die, but is also the place where we come alive.  Remember, Jesus went to the cross, but he came out of the grave.  I know this runs against the grain of our safety culture, but Jesus does not invite you to carry the cross just to see you die.  He invites you to the cross so you can live alive like you have never lived before. 

What would it mean for you to to carry the cross today?  What burden of someone else is Jesus inviting you to carry for him?  It will mean something of pride or time or money or something else of yours will die.  But, what awaits you...the life he is trying to give is so much more, so much greater than anything you could lose.  So, take off the spiritual seat belt and throw away the helmet and live in the "danger culture" of even if  you die, you truly live with Jesus. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Something New for You

In the Life Group Kimberly and I are in we were challenged to read the Gospel of Mark in one week.  As we read Mark we were to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring to light God's word to us for 2013.  It was powerful to listen as each person in our life group shared what God had given them. For example,  One person shared that God had given her the word trust and then shared the Scripture through which the Spirit revealed this word.

Today, I would like to share with you the word God gave me from Mark for 2013.  In Mark 2: 21-22 Jesus says, "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment.  If he does, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse.  And no one pours new wine into old wine skins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the wine skins will be ruined.  No, he pours new wine into new wine skins."

Jesus has come to bring the new.  The religious of Jesus day do not get this.  They did not want this.  And, if we are honest, we don't either.  As much as we say we want the new thing God has for us, we tend to resist and sabotage it.  We make excuses to avoid it.  Or we simply tell God that we are fine with the new, but he needs to do it our way and in our time, which is just another way of saying we don't want the new.

I am as bad as anybody when it comes to resisting change, but this year I find myself hungry...even desperate for the new God wants to do.

That is what this Sunday's launch of the new series is about...a new thing for you!  Come this Sunday and discover why God is asking us to forget the resolution and embark on an adventure with him!  Whether you are 4 years old or 84, we will start this journey together this Sunday in a whole new way.

That is also why it is so important for every one who calls LH hope their home to make the decision and take the initiative to join a small group.  God never gives us the new thing he has for us in isolation. We cannot receive the new until we connect with His Body in a way that is real and poured out.  That is where transformation happens.

So, join us this Sunday as we forget the resolution and embark on an adventure in which we have no chance of surviving without God's supernatural power and love.  And yet, on this adventure God has for us we will not survive, but come alive to the new God dreams for us to live. Invite a friend and join us this Sunday at 9:30 or 11 AM.