Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Cowards Wanted"

Recently, I was reading the story of Gideon in the Bible in Judges 6-7. I encourage you to take some time to read this account. Gideon was...well..there is no kind way to say it...he was a coward. Yellow-bellied, no spine, mouse of a man...pick your metaphor, Gideon, was the poster child for cowards.

In his cowardliness, even when he heard God speak, he needed confirmation after confirmation, to even have the courage to believe he heard God in the first place. And it was this coward named Gideon, that God called to be a warrior. Isn't that great! When God goes looking for a warrior, he finds a coward. Why? For one thing a real, warrior would have been more convinced of his strength than God's. God did not need someone who believed in themselves but someone who believed in him. By the way, that principle still remains. The self-help call to "just believe in yourself and you can do anything" may give warm fuzzies, but it is a complete lie.

Gideon was just a coward enough to know that without God's strength he would never stand a chance on the battlefield. So, with confidence in God, Gideon raises up an army of 32,000. But God says, "That's too many. If you win, the army will brag on itself." So, God grew the army down to 10,000, but He said that is still too many. Long story short, Gideon ended up with only 300 soldiers. Here is another valuable principle to keep in mind: What does not add up to us, makes perfect sense in God's mathematical equation.

That night they came upon the enemies camp. The enemy had thousands in his army. Gideon divided the army into three companies, gave each trumpets and empty jars and torches. At the signal, three companies from the distance blew trumpets, shouted, broke the jars and waved the torches. The enemy awoke in panic and began killing one another in confusion thinking the enemy was numerous and among them. Guess who would try a tactic like that? Yes...a coward. A brave man would have went in with an army of 32,000 fighting as any good warrior would. But the coward, Gideon, didn't enter the battlefield and won the day.

That's what God can do with cowards. He can take their lack of confidence in themselves and turn it into a huge confidence in Him that can defeat an army. Got any enemies threatening you? Got any armies camped just over the hill? That is the perfect opportunity for you and me to find out what God can do with cowards.

"Father, let me be the first to admit that often I have more fear than courage. I have more doubt than faith. I have more questions than answers. You give me a sign and look for two more. God I am weak. I am a coward. So, with no confidence in myself and all confidence in you, I pray be my my courage...let your power fill me so I can see how your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Through you the battle is already one. Amen."