Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"1 = 120"

I admit I am not very good at math. Actually, I stink at math. I am very thankful that I am married to an accountant for whom numbers come naturally. However, the good thing about not being good at math is that I have no problem understanding God's math, even when it does not make sense to those who are good at math.

For example, in God's math 1= 120. Let me explain...about 5 years ago a woman and her son came to worship with us. She is a woman with a big heart, but very unassuming. She will do anything for anyone, but prefers to do it behind the scenes. She is gentle and quiet, but she is God's. And because she is God's, she lets God work through her in the way that seems to come most naturally for her. Through her relationships with family, friends and c0-workers, she exhibits the love of Christ and then, when God opens the door, she simply invites them to come visit her church family with her on Sunday. And because they love her and they know she loves them, they come. One by one...people she has invited have come. One person she invited sent me an email this week and shared that at her last count 120 people have visited Living Hope because of this one person. Many of them have not only become a part of the church but have for the first time discovered for themselves what it is like to live in a daily and personal relationship with Christ. Person after person numbered in that 120 now have their own stories of how God is radically transforming their lives.

To us 1 is small...1 can't do much...1 won't amount too much...but in God's mathematical system 1 can equal 120. For that I praise God and I say thank you to the one who let God use her to equal 120. God is using her one life and one simple invitation at a time to change the world one person at a time. Praise God and thank you, Amber Sweeney!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"I Believe in Miracles"

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe God steps into our realm of space and time and does the impossible? I do. Without any hesitation, I believe. I guess, I have seen too much evidence not to believe. Let me share with you four recent miracles in the life of our church family:

1) I believe in miracles of life transformation. So far, in 2008, eighty-eight people have made personal decisions to follow Christ. Praise God! That alone is a miracle! But I am more interested in what happens after the initial is one example...he and his wife came to Living Hope for the first time in September. He has some church background and she none. After the service he said to me, "I need God to make a lot of changes in my life." We talked, he prayed, God came into his life. He said, "as we prayed it was like a weight was lifted off of me." His wife then prayed and Jesus showed up in her life as well. It is now December and they are here very Sunday, but more than that God is doing the miracle of life-transformation in them. Not only they, but those who know them best can see the difference. There is no greater miracle than one person finding God's love and hope personally. I believe in miracles!

2) I believe in miracles of physical healing. Regularly, people come to the Gathering or write the Prayer Chain for us to pray for them for specific needs...often those needs are physical and often we have seen specific answer to prayer. For instance, last Wednesday at the Gathering a women asked us to pray for her. She was having surgery the next day. One of the big concerns were pre-cancer cells on 9 different cysts. The surgery happened the next day and the doctor saw her after to share that he could not explain it but all 9 cysts and their pre-cancer cells were gone. They were there and then they were not. I believe in miracles!

The same kind of thing happened this week. One of our members asked the Prayer Chain to pray because tests revealed an aneurysm on her sister's aorta. Today the doctor called to say what was there, is now gone. How did that happen? My answer is...I believe in miracles!

3) I believe in miracles of peace and calm. Every bit as powerful as a change of circumstances, such as a physical healing, is a change of one's spirit, when the circumstances do not change. For instance, someone called this week and said, "Chad, its been three weeks now of peace and joy. When we did the service about accepting what was in our control and putting into God's hands, what we cannot control, I did just that. I fully gave the situation to God. The situation is still going on, but I am not worried and upset. I have peace and joy." The person can even begin to see how God could change the situation. I believe in miracles!

Luke 1:37 comes from the Bible's Christmas story. It says, "For nothing is impossible with God!" The Christmas story is all about the greatest miracle in the history of the world: Our God came down to us to do for us what we could not do for ourselves...he came to give us relationship with himself so that we can truly live now and even live after we die. The only questions you believe?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"My Strength or His Spirit?"

I heard this story many years ago. It is one that sticks with me because I think I relate to it pretty well.

A father asked his son to move a large rock in their yard. The boy was determined to do it. He ran to the rock and pushed and shoved with all his might. The rock did not budge so he pushed all harder...his muscles straining and sweat forming on his forehead. His father was watching and said, "Your not using all your strength." The boy said nothing. He just pushed all the harder. Again, the father said, "You're not using all your strength." The boy pushed even harder but still did not budge the rock an inch. Again the father said, "Your not using all your strength." Finally, the exasperated boy shouted back, "I am too. I am using all my strength but I cannot move it." To which the father replied, "No. You're not using all your strength because you have not asked me to help."

This morning, God put Zechariah 4:6 in my face, "Not by might nor by power, but by my
Spirit, " says the Lord Almighty.

I don't know about you but I am guilty of pushing and straining and sweating to try to make rocks move and getting no where. Over and over again, I have to relearn the old lesson that I am not using all my strength until I stop depending solely on mine and ask God to add in his. In my might and power I can see what I can do, but I am increasingly hungry to see what God's spirit could do if I would depend less on myself and more on him.

God, forgive me and God help me.